What a beautiful Monday morning. I awoke to the many birds calling once again, the fog surrounding casa Wilson, and the raindrops beating on the metal roof. This is exactly how I envisioned the rainforest being all the time. Now that I am feeling a little better it is starting to become very hard to envision going home. There is so much more for me to learn, and I can’t get enough of the knowledge that I am gaining. The highlight of the day for me was following Armando and Salastino through the garden, and learning from their amazing knowledge of the forest, and the amazing gifts the creator has given us. I could have listened to Armando’s humble, quiet words for many hours longer. Armando and Salastino have so much wisdom to share about the medicinal and cultural uses of plants; accordingly, myself and my fellow students were hanging on every word. We are getting close to the end of our time here, and it is a mad rush to finish crunching the data and construct our posters to present on Wednesday. However, we still made time to bond as a group. The sharing circle to end the night was a great way to rejuvenate our spirits, and share things that we are all grateful for. Hearing such kind words from our leaders and mentors was so encouraging and made all of us feel like family. Time to rest and finish strong.


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