I was feeling a little better so I decided to go out to the field and continue the counts. I started out feeling okay; however, I really started to feel miserable again by lunch time. I pushed through the pain the best I could because I want to be out in the field doing research, after all that is why I am here. We finished three quadrants before lunch and set up a trail camera and a kestrel on some of the ginger plants to monitor any fauna using the plant. The kestrel device was deployed to monitor parameters such as the temperature and precipitation. We headed back for lunch, and I barely made it back up the hill my legs were so weak; accordingly, I ended up in my room for the duration of the dayL. Scott was very kind and checked on me periodically, which made me feel better about being sick. At least I was able to find some wildlife while I was trapped inside casa de Wilson. This little guy was running across the floor:).


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