What a day I am exhausted once again, it feels good to put in such long productive days. I really enjoyed Celestinos’ presentation it really gave us and idea of who he is, and what he represents for his people. As well as the threats that his people face, which are very similar to the threats that our tribes have faced and continue to combat. We ended the night with another really cool cultural experience. We got to listen to a story from Lazaro about how he became such an amazing, strong leader at a such a very young age. We also got to listen to a song from Armando about the strength and the wisdom projected upon newborn children by this really cool ceremony. As well as enjoying a song from Celestino about the thunder, this was another amazing experience that I will not forget for as long as I live. We were given the opportunity to share with the indigenous leaders a little bit of our culture as well. Kayonnie explained the meaning behind her tattoos to the group and we exchanged some gifts, it was a really cool way to end our time with our local experts.


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